Well, at least the CPC *has* an identity now. That's good for the party. Whether this is good for the country is a whole other question.

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As a “Red Tory” I feel thrown away by the new CPC! I hate the new identity of the party.

I will support Ms Freeland and the Liberals. There is no other solution.

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Eric, good write up. Pretty shocking actually. Can you tell us which Quebec ridings Charest won? Thanks for the great work as always

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Surely this was the easy part: recognizing that the party has moved to Canada's version of the far right and pitching his appeal accordingly. Poilievre still has to rebuild the party's policy platform from the ground up, while being cognizant of the need to appeal outside his angry base, prevent progressive conservatives from leaving and keep the hungry tiger he's now riding from devouring him. Nothing in the bigger electoral picture has changed since O'Toole; how will Poilievre pull off what O'Toole couldn't to move on to win government?

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I was wondering what happened to the SoCons but the raw vote numbers make sense. They didn't go anywhere; the Poilivere camp just brought in so many non-traditional voters. If he can generate this much interest in party leadership; I think I'll label him the next PM

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I saw the low vote count in Brampton; I wonder if people just voted Brown and no one else to make a protest vote and it looks like they tossed those out.

On a personal level I voted Brown; I ranked others but Brown was the one I signed up to vote for. Hope my vote was counted

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Thank you for this , Eric. I listened on the car radio to the acceptance speech. PP is not my guy, nor is the CPC, but it was a powerful, logical, carefully conceived presentation. Several specific policy highlights do make sense and will have appeal - housing esp for 30 somethings, use of public lands, and use of domestic vs “ dictator “ oil . Look out Justin , and the NDP (who will lose voters to both CPC and to Liberals to ward off scary PP).

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Well said!

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