Great listen, enjoyed it very much. 👍🏼

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I can confirm the Niagara region anecdotes; having been there a few weeks ago. PPC signs everywhere. It makes sense logically; lockdowns destroyed their economy. For the professional class, lockdowns were inconvenient but people got to work from home. For the tourism industry, lockdowns were the kiss of death.

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I live in Kitchener-Centre and if it comes down to the ground game , as they say it does during a close election, then it should go to the Greens. The day after the election call Mike Morrice the Green candidate who finished second last election to the Liberals, had all of his election signs out everywhere. My friend called for an NDP lawn sign 2 weeks ago and it never came and they never followed up with him.

The only thing that could upset his win is that this time the NDP candidate is a locally known activist who has ran for city council. Will the displaced Liberal vote go to the Green or NDP, that is the question. On a personal note, I'm not sure whom I'm going to vote for.

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Great podcast! I really wonder though: what have pollsters done in Canada to account for lower youth voter turnout? It seems like if the NDP usually tend to underperform their polls, it should be something that can be accounted for.

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It can be hard to guess at turnout. For example, if you assumed young voters were not going to come out to the polls in 2015, you would have really under-estimated the Liberal vote. I think pollsters often err on the side of not adding potential sources of error by making turnout estimates.

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