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I think it is more about the power of incumbency, and in the case of the PEI Liberals their incumbents were all multi-term MLAs, vs. the single-term Green MLAs. And, if you've held power, then you probably have more long-standing incumbents, so it is self-reinforcing.

For the Quebec Liberals, it is more about the concentration of their votes. And Ontario is a counter-example. If being a party of government was the key point, the Ontario Liberals should have won more seats than the NDP. Incumbency, vote efficiency, those are big factors in FPTP.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Author

There's this on page 88, but I think that's it:

"While there are many political or personal reasons that pose as barriers to voting, only 10 per cent of respondents identified an election process-related barrier to voting. Many lost interest in the election due to early reports of one-sided results."

Presumably this is something gleaned from their surveys of voters.

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Do you have any thoughts as to which party, if any, may benefit/be harmed by a ban in polling before the election?

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I think it would depend on the election rather than the party. When the ban would come into force, I think it would benefit the party or parties that are leading and hurt the parties that are trailing. If there is one leading party and a few trailing parties, I think that leading party really benefits because strategic voters opposed to that party would get no clues as to which way to go.

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Adding 'none of the above' as a valid option on the ballot would likely do more to increase turn out than anything else.

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In Ontario, you do have the option to 'decline' your ballot, which sets it apart from those that are spoiled.

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True. You can do the same federally and I have pointed that out to some people in the past. They usually answer along the line of 'why would I show up just to not vote'. When I've mentioned a none of the above option, they were a little more interested in that. So I think it is more of a psychological thing.

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