British Columbia, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick are all scheduled to go to the polls in October, making 2024 an election year in all three provinces. While voting won’t take place for months, parties in these three provinces are preparing for their upcoming campaigns.
So, to keep you up to date on where things stand, I’ll be dipping into these three provinces periodically throughout 2024 on The Writ Podcast. To help me do that this week, I’m join by Richard Zussman, Global News legislative reporter in Victoria, B.C., Adam Hunter, the CBC’s provincial affairs reporter in Regina, Saskatchewan, and Jacques Poitras, the CBC’s provincial affairs reporter in Fredericton, New Brunswick.
In addition to listening to this episode of The Writ Podcast in your inbox, at or on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.
If you’re looking for this week’s episode of The Numbers podcast, it is available for Patreon members here. The next regular episode of The Numbers will be in this feed next Friday.
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