The Weekly Writ for Mar. 22
Deep dive into the federal polling landscape; candidate slates in PEI; most incumbents favoured if an election were held today.
Welcome to the Weekly Writ, a round-up of the latest federal and provincial polls, election news and political history that lands in your inbox every Wednesday morning.
As U.S. President Joe Biden visits Ottawa this week, he heads to a country that likes him a lot more than his own.
By a margin of 49% to 28%, Canadians think Biden’s presidency has been more positive than negative, according to the Angus Reid Institute. In the United States, Biden’s approval rating is a net -8.
At the tail end of Donald Trump’s tenure, by comparison, 70% of Canadians viewed his presidency as more negative than positive, with only 17% taking the more optimistic view.
Biden is reportedly still considering another run for the presidency in 2024. If he does run, his re-election is no sure thing. So, while here, he might want to consider annexing Canada. It would improve his chances.
Now to some housekeeping: did you know you can now access Substack’s Chat function on your desktop? It’s true! Up to now, it could only work via the Substack mobile app. Whatever device you prefer, keep an eye on The Writ Chat for updates from me, especially when I solicit questions and lines of discussion for upcoming podcast episodes! I’ve also switched on the functionality that allows you to start your own threads — so, if you want to have some political chats with other subscribers of The Writ in a (hopefully) more genteel setting than your other social media interactions, go right ahead!
Let’s get to what is in this week’s instalment of the Weekly Writ:
News of a few missing names in PEI’s slate of candidates, an NDP win in Hamilton and a Green leadership race in Manitoba.
A deep-dive into recent federal polls, as well as a look at where the premiers stand and how things are shaping up in Toronto.
The Liberals would hold their minority but need a third dancing partner if the election were held today.
Riding profile of Charlottetown-Brighton, where three parties are in contention and two current or former party leaders are on the ballot.
The last dominating performance of the Alberta Liberals (yes, you read that right) in the #EveryElectionProject.
A new milestone for Doug Ford.
Let’s get to it!